4 must-do’s for running overuse injuries

achilles tendon running injury

Have you started running more and developed pain in your hip, knee, or ankle?

A lot of people started to get running injuries through covid lockdowns, there wasn’t much else to do so people ran! Unfortunately, too much too soon meant that running injuries skyrocketed. A similar thing is starting to happen after all the rain we’ve had. People’s running reduced, and now that it’s picking back up again, injuries are happening.  

Our bodies are very adaptable and can be built up to cope with almost anything, but we need enough time to get stronger muscles, cartilage, bones, ligaments, and so on.  

If you’ve overdone it running (or any exercise), and have an overuse injury as a result, this is what to do.  

- find out what you can do. Your capacity won’t be zero. See what you can do that doesn’t give you lasting pain, and start doing that. Give yourself at least one day break between sessions at this stage.  

- prioritise recovery. Sleep well, eat well, drink water, de-stress. The key to recovery from injury is the same as recovery from one exercise session to the next; sleep, nutrition, hydration, stress.  

- cross train. This is important for so many reasons; keep the rest of your body strong, keep your cardiorespiratory system fit, and don’t lose the mental benefits of exercise. Having an injury sucks, and losing the mental benefits of exercise make it much harder to deal with. Cross training keeps you on track physically and mentally.  

- progress more slowly this time. First, you want to avoid making the same mistake that got you injured in the first place. Also, the rest of your body has had a break too and needs to re-condition to more exercise intensity and volume. The better you cross train, the faster you’ll be able to build up.  

This can be a lot to manage if it’s not your area of expertise. Luckily, it is ours (phew!). If you need a hand managing your recovery, give us a call, we’d love to help 😊 


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