4 steps to a pain free knee!

Is pain at the front of your knee holding you back from running or strength training? 

Do you get pain on stairs or when you crouch down?  

Pain in this area can have multiple causes but most of them require a similar treatment.  

  1. Back off your exercise to a level that doesn’t aggravate you pain. Keep doing as much as you can. How much activity is ok?  

  2. Work on strengthening the muscles around your knee in non-painful ways. I usually start with a wall sit; it is great for quad strength and is usually not painful.  

  3. For your knee to become painful, there is also often an adjacent area that is underperforming. Improving the strength and function of your hip or foot will take the load off your knee and allow it to settle more quickly.

  4. Taping is a really effective method of pain relief for knees. What’s great is that most taping techniques are easy enough to do on yourself, so you can be taught to self-tape! 

Physiotherapy will settle down the pain, identify the areas that need strengthening, and teach you how to self-tape to stay pain free!

If you have pain at the front of your knee from running or strength training, try these 4 steps to a pain free knee. If you are struggling with pain at the front of your knee, give us a call, we’d love to help 😊 


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