Headache or migraine?

Do you suffer from headaches or migraines? 

Do you know the difference between a migraine and a headache? A headache is pain around your head and can come from a number of different sources.  

A cervicogenic headache is pain that has referred from the upper levels of your neck, and often projects pain into the base of your skull, around to your temple, and behind your eye. These are usually one sided and come with restriction or pain when doing neck movements. This is the main type of headache that a physiotherapist treats. If you have a painful neck that is extending into a headache, a physio can be your first contact.  

A migraine is a very different scenario. While it includes a headache in the symptoms, there is often also nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sounds. Migraines can also present with or without an aura (a visual abnormality in the periphery of your vision). It is caused by irritation of the nerves in your head, spasm of the blood vessels in your head, and inflammation of some parts of your brain. These extra issues account for the wider range of symptoms. A migraine requires holistic lifestyle management, optimising sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Migraines can often be helped by appropriate medical management. If you suffer from migraine you should speak to your GP about a plan. A physiotherapist can help with easing the headache component of the migraine. 

Other headache types include tension type headaches and cluster headaches. Cluster headaches present in severe waves or clusters, usually at night or early morning. These are best managed with your GP. Tension headaches usually present with tension or tightening across the forehead, or around the whole top of the head. These are usually driven by stress and increased muscle tension, therefore can be eased with physiotherapy, massage, meditation, and exercise.  

If you need help managing your headaches, give us a call, we’d love to help 😊  


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