Red Flags 🚩

We all know that Dr Google can be dangerous. If you Google a combination of common symptoms, like headache, dizziness, nausea, you could be told you are having a heart attack, you have a stomach bug, or you have a migraine. This is because most symptoms we feel aren't very specific to the issue that causes them.  

So, if you’re in pain, do you see a physio or doctor? 

See your GP if your pain: 

  • makes you feel unwell 

  • doesn’t seem related to physical activity (is more present at rest or at night than while you’re moving) 

  • is unrelenting and you cannot find any relief 

  • you are experiencing other concurrent health issues (significant unexplained weight loss, bladder/bowel dysfunction) 

  • if you’re not sure what to do 

See a physiotherapist if your pain: 

  • is related to your activity 

  • is from a traumatic injury 

  • is able to be relieved by changing position 

Don’t worry though, if you see a physiotherapist, but your pain appears to be a medical issue, physiotherapists are trained to identify red flags and will refer you to your GP.  

If you are not sure, give us a call and we can let you know what the best first step is for you. 


Acute sporting injury?


Persistent hip pain