
Who doesn’t like a massage right?! 

When do you feel like a massage? Maybe you’re feeling stressed and want to relax, or maybe you feel stiff and want to feel more flexible, or maybe you’re in pain and need some relief? 

There are lots of different types of massage that cater for different needs.  

Sometimes I will see someone who is really just after a massage, and sometimes I will get a referral from a massage therapist, for someone who really needed physio. So, when do you see a physio, and when do you see a massage therapist? 

See a physio if... 

you have an injury, or recurring pain. Physios are trained to diagnose injuries, recognise when referral to a doctor or a scan is required, and have the skills to develop a rounded treatment plan (which may include massage). Some highly skilled massage therapists are also able to do this, but it’s not necessarily part of their training, so it’s hard to know beforehand.  

See a massage therapist if... 

you are searching for relief of muscular tension, or stiffness, without a distinct injury. Or, if you already have a diagnosis, and know that massage is an effective way for you to find relief, a massage therapist is going to be the best person to see! 

Isn’t physio just massage anyway? 

Once a physio has diagnosed your issue, the treatment plan will likely include some hands-on therapy (this may include massage), and some active therapy (often rehab exercises). If a physio is just giving you a massage, they aren’t a great physio, you will get a better massage at a massage therapist! Often, I will refer to a massage therapist for them to work their magic, while I focus on other parts of the treatment plan.  

If you’re struggling with pain, or feel like you need a massage, give us a call, and we’ll help you in the right direction 😊  


Golfer’s Elbow


Tennis Elbow