Lower back pain

woman sitting with lower back pain

Lower back pain is super common. Thankfully, most cases of lower back pain don’t involve any structural damage; rather an irritation or sensitisation of certain tissues.  

What does this mean? Since their is no structural damage (nothing is torn/bulged/pinched) there is no healing time needed, but the irritated thing needs to be offloaded to recover.  

What to do? It’s important to identify the things that contributed to the lower back pain starting, common factors include: change in activity, increased stress, decreased sleep. You need to take control of these factors to give your body a chance to recover. Unfortunately, if you’re stressed and not sleeping well, things won’t improve.  

It is also helpful to identify which movements feel nice, and which don’t. If there is no tissue damage, you don’t need to be afraid of the movements that don’t feel nice, but it can be helpful to avoid them temporarily, while they are painful. Think of it like a bruise, if you push it repeatedly, it will probably stay sore. Let’s focus on the movements that feel nice, do them, do lots of them. Movement is super helpful for specific and general reasons, so whatever you do, if it doesn’t hurt, it will help.  

If you can do some nice movement, make some positive changes to your stress and sleep, I am sure you’ll feel better each day. If you have any questions or need some guidance, give us a call, we’d love to help 😊  


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