Holiday Rehab

Should you continue your rehab exercises while you’re away? 

A holiday is a period of rest and recovery, even if you’re more active. In line with this, it’s nice to have a break from a structured rehab program. This will give you a chance to enjoy moving your body, reflect on how much progress you've made, and refresh your motivation to push on in January.  

Away from your usual routines, your body will likely feel better anyway. Replace commuting to work, looking at a computer all day, and limited time for yourself; with sleeping in, daily walks and swims, and a mind that isn’t overflowing with deadlines.  

Your body will still like to be active, but instead of having a list of exercises that can feel like a chore, this is your chance to take a break and just move in whichever ways make your body happy.  

Thanks for your support in 2022. It’s been an incredible first year for Swell, and I’m excited to see what 2023 has in store! 

Enjoy yourself a well-earned break 😊  


Sick of sitting?

