James Wood James Wood

Nerve pain

Do you have nerve pain? Do you know if it is caused by inflammation or compression of your nerve? Do you have weakness or numbness? This blog goes into everything nerve pain.

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James Wood James Wood

Lateral Hip Pain

Do you have pain on the outside of your hip? Pain in this area can come from many different structures. Each of these can recover really well, but they require different treatments. Have an assessment, make a plan, get out of pain.

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James Wood James Wood

Disc Bulges

Do you have a disc bulge? Here’s everything you need to know, from what a disc is, how they bulge, and how they heal.

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James Wood James Wood

Pain around your Achilles tendon?

Do you have pain around the back of your ankle? There is more than just your achilles that causes pain here. It could be other tendons, a bursa, the joint, or a nerve. Here’s what you need to know.

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