Physio, chiro, osteo?

male physio female patient

Physio, chiro, or osteo? Do you choose the chiro for one issue and the physio for another? Have you sworn to only see osteos because that’s what works for you?  

As much as these professions are considered very different, we all are trying to help people recover from musculoskeletal pain and injury. There may be differences in how we assess, and some of the strategies we use, but there is also a lot of similarity in technique and ideology.  

As a physio, I am not anti-chiro or anti-osteo (people often assume this), I hear some great things about local physios, chiros, and osteos alike. Unfortunately, there is good and bad in every profession, so I also hear some horror stories from each profession.  

More important than whether you see a physio, chiro, or osteo, is finding a therapist who listens to you, is committed to helping you through your specific situation, and then if they can't help, is able to recognise this and find someone who can. This might mean you end up seeing different people for different issues, but it’s more about the people, who work for you, not the profession.  

If you are recovering from pain or injury, and want to work with a therapist who is committed to helping you, give us a call, we’d love to help 🙂




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